Elinchrom Transmitter problems on H3D 31.

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I was shooting this saturday with my H3D 31 and the flashes I used with it was the new Elinchrom Quadra (the small portable 400Ws)
But when I first connected the transmitter (elinchrom skyport) and took a test shot, the flash didn't react at all..?
I checked the settings in the camera and I had it on the Studio setting, and also when I pushed the Test button on the transmitter the flash was triggered.
But when I shot with the camera so to say nothing happened.
Started to panic abit, but then I connected the small chord from the transmitter to the camera and it worked fine after that.
First I thought the battery was low in the transmitter but when I pushed the testbuttom the flash worked.
Have I missed any settings or could it be that the shoe is damaged?
Im shooting this saturday in a studio with broncolor equipment and im a bit worried that that transmitter not might work either..
Cause with elinchromes skyports there should be no need for that chord connecting the transmitter and the camera...this worked fine on my Nikon D3X before.

Can anybody figure what I did wrong or iu have to connect the transmitter with the camera through that chord every time?


Another question is how and where can you see the batterylevel status on a H3D 31?
Going crazy!!

Thanks a lot again in advance!


Monty Rakusen

I think you have a faulty skyport transmitter I had the same problems. I had one for years. elinchrom eventually gave me a new one and have never had the same problem since.


If you have kept your firmware/software upgrades up to date then press and hold the backlight/batt level button. You will see the battery status and firmware versions displayed.


Quote from: enikone on January 13, 2010, 09:33:00 PM
Can anybody figure what I did wrong or iu have to connect the transmitter with the camera through that chord every time?

You certainly shouldn't have to use a cord  so either the unit or the hot shoe is at fault. With my pocket wizards if I touch the metal contact on the base of the wizard (where it would connect to the hot shoe) with a piece of metal it will fire the transmitter. Have you checked that the prism is securely attached and the contacts are clean? Also try a flash gun if you have one to test the hot shoe.
Nick-T typing at you from Flexframe's secret location under a Volcano