HC80 or HC100 ... H5D-60

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I am missing an intermediate focal length for my H5D-60, for various uses and especially outdoors.
I hesitate between 80 and 100mm; the lightness and the price of the 80 attract me, but the luminosity and the small "Noctilux" dimension of the 100 also attracts me.
I have read a few impressions left here and there, but which are really very old.
Would you have any feelings to share to help me choose, and all that's left to do is look for a great opportunity ...
Thank you in advance and beautiful pictures to all of you.
Alain (from France)


Bonjour Alain,

I can only offer a "gut feeling": I always preferred the HC100 over the HC80. Not only for build quality, but also for the look of the images. I sold my HC80 early, and the HC100 was the last lens that I owned (before selling the H system when I switched to the X1D).
If could could only have one lens for the H system, it would probably be the 100.
Good luck for your decision!

Marko (from Germany)


Bonjour Marko,

Oh, thank you very much for this very clear advice!
I am also very attracted by the character of this 100 and I am looking for a good deal, (but it is more difficult to find than an 80).
Have you tried, for some rare applications, to use it with a 2x converter?



Sorry, Alain, I never tried a converter.


The HC 100 has a rather softer rendering for portrait, adding the x2 converter makes it more softer, isn't it to much ?

At the opposite the 0.8x§ X converter gives a little harder rendering at 80mm what should be perfect for one that don't like the even crisper rendering of th XCD 80
Sharpen your eyes not your files


Right, the HC100 is a little soft wide open (I liked it for portraits), stopped down to 4 (or more) it is very sharp.


I would also like to know what the converter x1.7 H gives (on the HC100 I knw, thanks), on the HC150 and on the HC120 macro ...
See you soon,
Alain (from France)