X1D and three lenses

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For sale:

X1D, silver, 3 batteries, limited use, excellent condition...with as new  XCD 21/4 (340 shutter count)...all in Hasselblad hard case...$5300 net to me plus shipping...

After X1D sells:

XCD 80/1.9 as new, in box, (741 shutter count)...$4200 net to me plus shipping..

XCD 135/1.7, as new, in box (523 shutter count)...$4200 net to me plus shipping

Reply: rvfarm@sover.net



There is a lot of interest in the lenses.

All three lenses will be available after the X1D camera is sold.

I will sell the silver X1D camera with three batteries and Hasselblad hard case for $2700 net plus shipping.

Or any combination of X1D camera and lenses, with a good price for the whole system.



I will sell the silver X1D camera with three batteries, charger, and Hasselblad hard case for $2700 net plus shipping.

I will consider a trade of like quality and value for a Leica M 10.

There are many inquiries about the XCD 80/.9 and the XCD 135/with the 1.7 TC...both will be available for purchase after the X1D sells, or is traded.




I will sell the silver X1D camera with three batteries and Hasselblad hard case for $2700 net plus shipping.

Or any combination of X1D camera and lenses, with a good price for the whole system.


Will you accept 2600 for the X1D body?  Thank you
Dennis mansour


.....all sold...thanks...



Dennis mansour