Hasselblad h service Sweden

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Is it possible to send a H3dii-31 in to Hasselblad Sweden for service? Probably the PCBA has to be changed together with a new calibration file (invalid calibration error).


Normally, Hasselblad requires that the camera is sent through a dealer.


Mm, that is what I thought. I had a cost estimate for repair at transcontinenta in the Netherlands for €2100 to change the cpu mainboard on my h3d....


They direct me back to transcontinenta in the Netherlands. I guess I have to use the camera as is and have to look for a second hand


Quote from: photoenthusiasm on January 13, 2019, 10:10:00 PM
Mm, that is what I thought. I had a cost estimate for repair at transcontinenta in the Netherlands for €2100 to change the cpu mainboard on my h3d....

The list of service prices is here: http://static.hasselblad.com/2016/06/Service-charges-1-6-2016.pdf


In case it is of some help, I sent my H4D to the following address for a crack in the housing in 2015.  I have also included the email address for the person I dealt with, if nothing else maybe she is still there and can point you in the right direction.


Hasselblad Bron Inc.

1080A Garden State Road
Union, NJ 07083
United States
908-754-5800 Phone
908-754-5807 Fax