Updated X1D Firmware Wishlist Poll

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I'm about to repost an updated user poll posted in this forum about a year ago, but not including the improvements that have been already made.  You can see it here:  http://www.hasselbladdigitalforum.com/index.php?topic=5027.msg21048#msg21048

It's interesting now to look back at that poll, because Hasselblad has come through on many of those requests, particularly the higher rated ones.  Hasselblad, maybe you are listening!   :D 

Before I do, I hope to gather your suggestions to incorporate.  I will post the final list in this thread for a few days before publishing the poll. 

* Should the poll be expanded to include hardware, maybe things like teleconverters, tilt shift lenses, or the oft requested cable release?
* Are there any firmware requests not on that old poll that you'd like to see?
* Other thoughts?




That would be a great idea. I think including hardware, as you suggested would be good as well. I will put a few thoughts together.



Hi Brad,

Good idea. I suspect that some improvements will need new hardware, so I think this is a good call.

1. One thing more than all else that would change the way I use the camera would be reasonably fast small adjusting continuous autofocus. People move!  Ideally one that recognises that I am focussed on a model's eyes. I think this needs new hardware though.

My other two connected needs can probably be achieved in software easily enough:
2. Spot metering that follows the focus point. (e.g. if I focus on a model's face at the top right, the spot meter is also top right)
3. A focus point that is different in landscape and portrait orientations. (E.g I can set the focus top left in landscape and also have it set to top centre when I shift to portrait).
(Of course I want the option for it to remember these settings)

Otherwise I'm very happy with the X1D (except the glitches that plague many of us).

Many thanks, Neil


OK, here's what I'm thinking this time.  Trolls welcome.  We all should want to get this right.

Poll rules:  Each member of the forum (visitors can't vote on polls) can vote for only five of the following as their most desired improvement of the camera system:

Items on old poll not yet done
•   Live histogram
•   Activate/deactivate LCD Live View with something other than the shutter button
•   Eye detection AF
•   Auto focus stacking/bracketing like P1, Nikon and others
•   Electronic first curtain shutter
•   Auto ISO in M Mode
•   Wired cable release
•   Allow users to select minimum shutter speed when using auto ISO
•   Lock exposure when AF is achieved allowing recomposing without AE-L button
•   Digital indications of current focus distance/DoF in VF/LCD
•   Ability to reset AF to center using a shortcut button
•   Fix exposure bracketing to work with auto timer and cable release.
•   Ability to shoot smaller RAW files (improving low light at expense of detail)

New items to be added to Poll.  Propose your own.
•   Cable Release
•   XCD Teleconverter
•   Tilt Shift Lens
•   300mm Lens or thereabouts
•   Faster continuous autofocus
•   Automated way to set hyperfocal distance
•   Set night exposure longer than only one hour

Items on the old poll or in the forum I propose to delete (for these items it would be nice to have, but we don't want to detract from image quality etc.)
•   B/W mode in EVF/VF when composing and reviewing
•   In camera image rating
•   Hyperfocal automation (adjusting aperture at a set focus point to infinity)
•   Multi exposure setting allowing two shots in camera merge into one image
•   Option to change the in camera filename structure
•   Quicker AF
•   Improve the EVF eye sensor performance
•   Ability to add copyright information in camera
•   Menu option to turn of AF by halfway depressing the shutter button
•   Reduce Live View blackout after exposure
•   Spot metering on actual focus point
•   Focus point shifting depending on orientation of the camera

Items no longer needed that have been improved satisfactorily
•   Overexposure/underexposure blinkies
•   True Focus
•   Image review in the EVF
•   Multi aspect ratio functions in VF/LV/image
•   Fix bugs (general system failure, CF card, no lens attached)
•   Live view focus peaking
•   Electronic shutter
•   Ability to use the second CF card to backup images from the first
•   Button customization
•   Fix the spirit level calibration so it actually can be calibrated
•   More AF Points
•   Ability to stay zoomed in while reviewing images in playback
•   Live view blinkies
•   During playback, EV comp indicator showing actual exposure shot


I'd be very specific regarding "Ability to shoot smaller RAW files". Or perhaps include "Lossless compressed RAW".

Three items on my wish list for hardware improvement are:

  • Joystick for moving AF point
  • Better EVF resolution, like Fuji GFX and Sony a7RIII, or ideally like Leica SL
  • Better battery life



I only read the "Updated firmware-wishlistpoll"thread after starting the hardware-wishlist-thread.
It seems this thread is developing into a hardware wishlist too.
So the thread title should be altered,  and my thread merged into this one.

Or alternatively the two threads should be kept apart, one for firmware, one for hardware.

Best regards and sorry for the possibly superfluous thread.


       Support for the HC120 4 Macro ll lens would be nice. And auto zoom + focus peacking options like the Leica M's would be nice too. Much easier to manual focus when the image is larger and the focus peaking is on, particularly at full open with long lenses when the Dof is razor thin.


Edit of EXIF data (more specifically copyright tag!!!). Hasselblad already promised me few months ago.


1 auto focus stacking
2 indication of DOF/hyperfocal distance or some way to set it
3 Tilt shift lens
4  live histogram
5 cable release


1) Cable release

2) Adapter for Canon / Nikon / Sony (any!) style remote trigger so the shutter can be triggered by third party devices (like a gigapan).
Alex Jiang
