16-shot Mode Flash Delay Not Working

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Chris Gahran

I'm shooting with a 21.5 inch iMac on location using FC 4.8.13 with a CF-22MS. Changing the Flash Delay for 16-shot Mode in the Preferences has no effect. I had this problem when I was using FC 4.8.12 last year and at the time the advice was to reinstall or upgrade to 4.8.13.

Well in the studio on a Mac tower using a newly installed version of FC 4.8.13 Wednesday I couldn't change the Flash Delay in 16-shot mode. Yes I could actually change number in the Flash Delay box in Preferences but it had no effect on interval between shots as timed with a stop watch. (I went from six seconds to twelve seconds and there was no difference in the interval between shots.) 4-shot Mode does respond to Flash Delay changes.

So, two different Mac computers running two different versions of OSX and the same problem with 4.8.12 last year and 4.8.13 this month. Oh, this has happened with two different CF-22MS backs.

My experience is Flash Delay doesn't work in 16-shot Mode at least with versions .12 and .13 of FlexColor 4.8. Is anyone successfully adjusting the Flash Delay interval in 16-shot Mode using a CF series back? Thanks...