Phocus PC question.

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I posted this question a couple of days ago in another forum but no responses so I thought I would ask again. Perhaps the first one was overlooked . . . . or no one knows the answer. :)

I just downloaded Phocus pc and am in the process of giving it a test run. The manual (Mac only?) says: "A scroll bar can be displayed along the bottom of the Thumbnail Browser." How do you do this in the horizontal thumbnail layout? Does anyone see the horizontal thumbnail scroll bar?

Also, should/does the "tool area" (as referenced by in the manual) scroll in the same way that LR does?

Thank you.
David Jay


i can't answer the first question, as i don't have a pc nearby to test.

with regard to the toolarea, no it doesn't scroll like the Lightroom equivalent.
on the Mac Phocus there are two small arrows which appear at the bottom when you've too many palettes open. these arrows don't actually scroll, they just collapse the uppermost palettes to make the lower ones visible. apparently these arrows are missing in the PC version.

imho they are not an adequate solution on the Mac side, so hopefully they'll come up with something better and implement that on both platforms.



Thank you Alex. Yes, I would definitely prefer it if the tool area would scroll as in LR.
Also, I realize I did not make my question clear reguarding thumbnail scrolling. I would like to scroll horizontally in "filmstrip" mode. Once again, like LR.

David Jay


Hi David,

You're right about the thumbnail scrolling - the scrollbar should be at the bottom as it is on the mac version (and like LR) not on the side to scroll vertically. I'd say this is a bug and you should report to Hasselblad.

The 'up down arrows' that kind of scroll the tools on the mac are missing on the PC version. Hasselblad is aware of this. There are some shortcuts that make life a bit simpler (which I can't remember at the moment but I think are in the manual).

robert poll photography | | +44(0) 7768 466663



In the MAC version there is a "layout" icon at the top of the page.  You can click on it to orient the previews to show horizontally across the bottom or vertically on the left.



Thanks Greg. Yes, it's the same in the pc version but once the thumbnails are in the horizontal position, as far as I can see, there is no way to scroll left and right like a filmstrip, only up and down in rows. The Mac version scrolls correctly.


Thanks Derek, but why would they make it different than their own Mac version (or Lightroom, Aperture,etc) where you can scroll intuitively (for me) like a film strip?


That may be true but the manual says:  "A scroll bar can be displayed along the bottom of the Thumbnail Browser."  It's not there.

David Jay


I would prefer if they would fix the program, but thats just me.

David Jay


I've reported this to Hasselblad as a bug and will let you know what they say.

I've also crossed out the part that says the scrollbar is at the bottom in my copy of the manual to keep Derek happy in the meantime :-)

robert poll photography | | +44(0) 7768 466663


The correct answer from Hasselblad:

"A scroll bar can be displayed along the bottom of the Thumbnail Browser." Hasselblad is aware of this in Phocus for PC, it is a known issue and will addressed in a future release of Phocus for PC.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA

Thanks everyone. In the mean time I will amend my manual. ;)

David Jay