Problems with Gigapan Epic and H4D

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Hi All
Was wondering if anyone uses a Gigapan Epic Pro with their H4D.  For those of you not familiar information on the device can be found on  The device has a feature to signal the camera to lockup the mirror.  It accomplishes this via the remote release cable.  The problem is that it doesn't appear you can lock up the H4D mirror with a Gigapan.  Anyone have an idea?



I have no experience with the Gigapan, it seems highly unlikely you can flip the mirror up with the remote release cable unless it works via the firewire port. If it works via the remote release port on the front side of the body it is impossible. This is a fairly simple contact not capable of passing over  commands to the camera (AFAIK). It looks like you have to use a Canon cable which pretty much confirms my suspicion you can only use the Gigapan as a remote trigger.

The DSLR's are most of the time no problem. I know my Nikon's mirror up is part of the release function (eg. press release and the mirror will flip up first. It doesn't work this way for the H bodies), which means the Gigapan can send a release which will cause the body to flip up its mirror before taking a shot. Downside is that the mirror will come down in between shots (again AFAIK).

I think you have to flip the mirror by hand before you start. I would suggest moving the mirror up function to either the user button or the AE-Lock button on the back for convenience. The upside is that the mirror will remain up for the duration the Gigapan takes its shots.


Hello compuz1

I have used a H4D with a Gigapan and as mentioned you need to lock the mirror up on the camera. Equally important is to set long interval times that allow the camera to become perfectly still after each movement. While the Gigapan handled the weight of the camera, 1.5 hts & 28mm lens this procedure is not for the faint hearted !


Paul Grundy