How to get camera and flat plane subject parallel?

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Hasselblad used to make a unit for the V system, it is not available any longer and was not made for the H system but the prinicple was so very simple and very accurate. See this link for the instrucrions,  Just putting a mirror on the subject and viewing your own reflection through the camera in the centre on the screen will help.

I think this is what you are asking, am I right?


I know that Hasselblad device...

the method I suggested above has two advantages...
you can have it now and for little money and 2nd.
you can place the mirror with the hole ( this is done by scratching the mirror
coating away so that you can look thru ) in front of the lens, or the front standard,
rear standard, if using a MF SRL  remove the back and place the mirror instead.
If you want to give the mirrors a nice touch cover them with matt black vinyl and cut
a circle out, you will have then nice concentric circles  when parallel alinement
is achieved.
btw a digital spirit level is also pretty useful.


Hey, pretty nice !
Why don't you show as a picture of your setup ? Would be more illustrative...