XCD 30 Blue Corners?

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Finally getting to give the 30mm a good workout, but am finding the corners to be very blue in overcast light. Shooting at a variety of f-stops, but corners are requiring a good deal of color adjusting. Like a blue cast vignette. Will need to dive into Phocus instructions more tonight, but any thoughts on this?



Thanks. Will need to work on those corners...


I just looked over a bunch of shots I took with the 30mm and I'm not seeing anything like this. Mine were all processed with Phocus, so they've had the digital corrections applied. What are you using to process your raw files?

And yes, it's a very nice photograph.


Ran a couple of quick ones through Camera Raw the other night (as it is fast on this laptop), and saw the blue corners yesterday, so went back to Phocus for a few, and it is still there. I will need to do some investigating in Focus when I'm back in the studio, too hard to read the pdf and see the software on this little screen.

And thanks to you as well!


Nice shot!

Are you using the hood? Any filters?

I have not see anything this significant in any of my 30mm shots; and I don't even use Phocus.
Alex Jiang



I've got the hood on, and a B+W 010 UV-Haze, MRC nano filter on it. Same filters I've used with many Fuji X mount lenses - including equivalently wide ones without this. Same filters on the 45 and 21 as well. I'm wondering if it is just something with the extreme fog these last two days?

Don't have any of the files I shot with it before this trip with me to compare.


The obvious next step is to try it without the filter mounted.


Home now, so not foggy beach weather, but a pair of shots of my plaster ceiling, with and without the UV:

Another message to Hasselblad seems in order.


You might consider repeating the test with more uniform lighting to better reveal all four corners. It appears that the blue is not related to the filter or lens hood so maybe it is a new lens defect associated with the exposure to fog? Is there any sign of condensed moisture inside the lens?  Has the lens always exhibited the blue corners? If so maybe it should visit Sweden?


Neither the lens or filter was wet to the touch when making the images that I saw this on.

I have some DNG files from the camera to Hasselblad at the moment, waiting to hear back. Sent images of the very flat overcast sky here this morning. The blue corners were clearly visible while looking through the VF.

ISO 400 • f16 • 1/250 • +0.67 Shot with no filter and no hood per their request.

Here a file of the sky this morning opened straight via Camera Raw:

Same file opened with Phocus including lens corrections:

After I noticed this happening I switched to the 45mm lens for the rest of the trip, and had no blue corners.


I'm very inclined to say at this point that it should get checked out by Hasselblad for repair or replacement.
Alex Jiang



You get blue corners from a white ceiling indoors as well as an overcast sky so I wonder where the blue color comes from? Did the lens ever exhibit this behavior in the past or is it a new lens? Being able to see the blue corners with the EVF at least showed the problem to you so you could change lenses while on your trip. It will be interesting to see what the fix will be - no way are they going to be able to use their "it is within tolerance" argument.


Brand new about two weeks ago. I'd only shot squares the first few days I had it, so hadn't noticed it outside the crop which Phocus applies to the thumbnails as well. No chance to get out and shoot before this trip. This has encouraged me to test more carefully even new equipment.


especially if your equipment is made by the "new" Hasselblad! Their QC program needs review as much as their customer service program - not a pretty picture for a company that is trying to compete with Fuji medium format over the next few years!