
Main Board => Flexcolor, Phocus, and other software. => Topic started by: jeff.grant@pobox.com on November 14, 2008, 11:56:55 AM

Title: Phocus 1.1 'Viewer in separate window' problem
Post by: jeff.grant@pobox.com on November 14, 2008, 11:56:55 AM
Using 1.1 with a second monitor, when I select 'Viewer in separate window' the thumbnails expand to fill where the viewer was but the separate viewer doesn't appear on the second monitor. When I expose on the primary monitor, the viewer is there but I can't select it. I keep on getting the thumbnails window.

Anyone else with the same issue? I also tried reporting this to Support@hasselblad.com but their server bounced my emai, all two lines of it as being too large ???.
Title: Re: Phocus 1.1 'Viewer in separate window' problem
Post by: NickT on November 14, 2008, 12:29:47 PM
Working fine here Jeff, forgive me for stating what might be the obvious but you realise you need to drag it across to the second monitor right? On my setup I have menu bars and viewer on the right hand monitor and thumbs on the left...

Title: Re: Phocus 1.1 'Viewer in separate window' problem
Post by: jeff.grant@pobox.com on November 14, 2008, 01:22:17 PM
I understand that. Nick but I can't ever get the viewer to show up once I select it. I show all active windows, select the viewer and the thumbnails come active. Bugger me, now it's stopped showing thumbnails. I think I'll just reinstall it. Any magic other libraries that I need to delete?
Title: Re: Phocus 1.1 'Viewer in separate window' problem
Post by: NickT on November 14, 2008, 01:38:01 PM
Hi Jeff
Phocus is just the app and a plist (preference file) maybe try just the prefs first?

Title: Re: Phocus 1.1 'Viewer in separate window' problem
Post by: jeff.grant@pobox.com on November 14, 2008, 01:55:59 PM
Hi Nick, too late. I've just downloaded and reinstalled but it's still the same. How do I clobber the preferences file please. My thumbnails have now disappeared with the exception of a few funny bits of colour in the top of the thumbnail viewer. It looks like all 55 images are scrunched up. I can still move from one image to the next, I just have no idea what is coming up next.

OK, I just found the preferences, deleted them and now I'm back up and running. I didn't think that this was meant to happen with Mac. That was like being back in the Windows world.

Thanks, Nick.
Title: Re: Phocus 1.1 'Viewer in separate window' problem
Post by: NickT on November 14, 2008, 02:09:10 PM
Prefs are in user/library/preferences and are called dk.hasselblad.phocus.plist. I'm thinking your prefs are corrupt, please report back.

Title: Re: Phocus 1.1 'Viewer in separate window' problem
Post by: jeff.grant@pobox.com on November 14, 2008, 02:20:59 PM
Deletion fixed it. Thanks Nick.
Title: Re: Phocus 1.1 'Viewer in separate window' problem
Post by: NickT on November 14, 2008, 02:42:40 PM
Make mine a Hahn premium :)
