Which Lens for Portraits. XCD 65 or XCD 90

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I have the X1D2 and trying to decide which of these 2 lenses I can buy. I DONT shoot wide open so F2.8 and higher works for me. I usually shoot F5.6-F8
The XCD 65 or the 90 3.5   Thanks
Dennis mansour


Hey! My choice would be the XCD 90.

But there is no rule about ir. I also shot some portraits with the XCD 30.


I've been using the 65 for portraits until recently. Rendering is beautiful, but for anything other than full body, it distorts quite noticeably. The 90 now is amazing.


Well, the 65mm was the lens that immediately convinced me to dive into the x system, I rented one and a 907x-cfv50ii (along with an 80 1.9 and a 21 f4) to evaluate while I was actually shopping for a CMOS back for my Phase One...the 65 was the one I had the lowest expectations of but from the very first image from the system I just loved the level of sharpness and perfect depth of field for those mixed mode portraits.  I didn't like the 80 f1.9 (just too heavy) but now own the 90 f2.5 as well as the 65mm, both are fine lenses but I do believe that if I could only keep one, it would be the olde 65mm (which is also cheaper to purchase).  I have an upcoming rental of the 55v and 38v to evaluate them against the current quiver....wondering if I will love the 55mm as much as the big ol' 65...


I would suggest the old XCD90 which is amazing, but all depends upon the type of portrait you shoot.
The XCD65 is also fantastic, but the field of view is obviously larger. It is heavy and bulky, but should suit well with a tripod.