
Main Board => The lenses => Topic started by: marcwilson on April 01, 2024, 11:08:32 AM

Title: 3rd party Fast wide standard lens
Post by: marcwilson on April 01, 2024, 11:08:32 AM
Has anyone used the Mitakon 65/1.4 X fit on the 1dxII bodies?
I'm also looking at potential of Zeiss c 50/1.5 ZM lens...image will be 1:1 or 5:4 format so should be ok re vignetting etc.
Title: Re: 3rd party Fast wide standard lens
Post by: polychloros on April 02, 2024, 10:42:39 AM
The Mitakon does look interesting and seems quite low cost. There's also a TTArtisan 90 f/1.25 (too long to be considered a "wide standard") that I think is also offered in XCD mount. I've seen some compelling photographs made with both lenses but neither, as far as I know, has a leaf shutter. Have you considered renting the native XCD 80mm F1.9 lens? That's not far off a standard lens field of view (albeit on the long end of "standard") and obviously has proper leaf shutter operation and AF (if you want it).