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The lenses / Re: 90V lens oil on shutter bl...
Last post by Georg Kovalcik - Today at 06:05:04 AM
Quote from: vitdev on March 02, 2024, 07:36:04 PMHasselblad responded that it's expected to happen ...

In the past decades oil emerging from a central shutter always indicated a problem. None of my XCD lenses (not ,,V") has visible oil and none of my other lenses with central shutter have that. Actually I would like to hear an explanation from a Hasselblad engineer why this is no longer a problem if a fast moving shutter sputters oil inside a lens. Unless there is proof that this is not a problem, I would regard that as serious defect.
X1D/X2D Cameras / Re: New firmware 3.2.0
Last post by osroubek - Today at 03:56:35 AM
It does not work when tethered. When Live View is turned on in Phocus, the screen goes dark. You then have to disconnect from the computer and turn off the camera, then back on again to get auto exp simulation to go back to Auto.
The lenses / Re: 90V lens oil on shutter bl...
Last post by snkn - Today at 01:09:51 AM
Of course. Here is a picture of the shutter blades of my 90V.

The only archived copy with a working link I can find using a short search is available at:

You may get a 302 error but the download link appeared to be functional.

Note that this copy of Phocus 2.5 was taken from what appears to have been the Italian Hasselblad website; it's likely that the user interface is in Italian.

Note that the software is 2010 vintage, it was archived in February 2011. This is well before the introduction of the X1D or the first XCD lenses in 2016. Given that this version of Phocus cannot have any information germane to the X1D or any XCD lens I'd anticipate major  problems in image handling if this version of Phocus is able to load your .3FR files. For instance you'd be processing CMOS sensor files on software designed to handle only CCD sensor files:at a minimum you'd be using the wrong version of HNCS, I'd also expect further issues related to the inability of this version of Phocus to deal with the impact of a far shorter flange focal distance used in the X1D versus that of say the H3D II that had roughly similar (though not identical) sensor sizes - the micro-lenses covering each sensor well have to handle light rays arriving at considerably steeper angles the further from center you go in the X1D to aviod "bleed" into adjacent wells.

It's more likely, in my opinion, that Phocus 2.5 will refuse to load X1D files (or perhaps crash when presented with something that it is not equipped to process).


The lenses / Re: Which Lens for Portraits. ...
Last post by tenmangu81 - June 01, 2024, 09:59:57 PM
I would suggest the old XCD90 which is amazing, but all depends upon the type of portrait you shoot.
The XCD65 is also fantastic, but the field of view is obviously larger. It is heavy and bulky, but should suit well with a tripod.

I think the best would be to contact the HB customer support. You can find their email address (depends upon where you live) by searching on a browser "Hasselblad customer".
X1D/X2D Cameras / Re: X2D compared to Leica Q3 f...
Last post by michael123 - June 01, 2024, 09:31:42 PM
We have Q and X1D, I have now Q3 on order. Leica has its charm, it is lighter, faster, obviously better suited for street photography, no questions about that. IMHO not just street photography
X1D/X2D Cameras / Re: Multiple Firmware Updates
Last post by pat m - June 01, 2024, 06:42:52 PM
I believe that you'd need the actual lens attached for its update. At least that's how Nikon lens firmware updates work.
Each file has a name that indicates the lens referenced. I suspect that you can load all the update files to the camera but would only be able to uploads the FW for the attached lens. As the camera needs to read the lens' fw version
H and V Cameras / Re: CFV 50 or CFV 100 for use ...
Last post by StudioNSFW - June 01, 2024, 02:37:44 PM
My V mount lens quiver is not extensive, but contains the mandatory 80 f2.8 (CF), 120mm f4 macro (CF) and a 150 f2.8 FE.  From what I have experienced with the Zeiss glass, you need not worry, particularly with a 44x33mm sensor...all those V series lenses are built for a 66mm or greater image circle and the smaller sensor is taking a slice out of the sweet center of that circle in the first place, and they were all great glass even for 645 Phase One sensors.

And , as said, they do have a certain quality to them over and above simple resolution.

 But if you are doing super technical work reliant on ultimate resolution with the CFV100-then don't bother with some mirror slapping old antique body, mount it on a 907x and use the excellent modern glass available for it!

(Or go to the other extreme and swap that mirror slapper for a Sinar!   Rodenstock glass is pretty good for that whole resolution thing...)
The lenses / Re: Which Lens for Portraits. ...
Last post by StudioNSFW - June 01, 2024, 01:52:31 PM
Well, the 65mm was the lens that immediately convinced me to dive into the x system, I rented one and a 907x-cfv50ii (along with an 80 1.9 and a 21 f4) to evaluate while I was actually shopping for a CMOS back for my Phase One...the 65 was the one I had the lowest expectations of but from the very first image from the system I just loved the level of sharpness and perfect depth of field for those mixed mode portraits.  I didn't like the 80 f1.9 (just too heavy) but now own the 90 f2.5 as well as the 65mm, both are fine lenses but I do believe that if I could only keep one, it would be the olde 65mm (which is also cheaper to purchase).  I have an upcoming rental of the 55v and 38v to evaluate them against the current quiver....wondering if I will love the 55mm as much as the big ol' 65...