Phocus 3

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I hear you simon  8)
Just know that for every bug there is a work around.
In any case we are always happy to oblige.


Simon Bran

Hi Hassilistic, thank you, much appreciated,
unfortunately I think I know the work around for this bug, firstly buy lots of shiny new and expensive flash equipment and secondly rewire the studio electrics to industrial standards.....ohhh  i wish :-)


Phocus 3.0.4 Windows build

Been shooting through this & .03 for the last week or so and haven't had any crashes or such.

Tethered capture:
Unfortunately Flash delay still not working - this really needs addressing (even Flexcolor had this sorted)
Mirror up button, is continuing to be sporadic in its availability - have to keep accessing it via the Phone App or Vers 2.8..
Focusing buttons - not as responsive compared to vers 2 - job made all the more harder when Focus Stacking
The elusive focusing doughnut in Live View seems to have gone back to staying at half size (and my workaround doesn't work).

I've noticed some interesting slight colour casts starting to present themselves since versions 3 and not seeming to abate - yesterday I had - Radial Cyans - Centre Top - Reds at sides - only 3-4 RGB values, but they are apparent. I'm starting to do scene calibrations more of the time.
Scene Calibration - Although the Quantile Slider is welcome, Colour Cast correction isn't as strong as used to be.

Sharpening - still active when turned off - Focused edges show v slight  & slight halos in Single Shot 40 & 50MP, more evident in MultiShot and a real pity in 6 shot: basically it damages the images - Please can turned off mean turned off.

Adjustment layers seem to work quite well - Temperature & Tint are really useful and much much easier than doing in PS, (although seem to be mostly using it to correct the colour casts previous mentioned); They seem to disappear off though and one is forced to build presets for each image so that corrections don't get lost for good. Any chance they could be intergrated in the Modify tool so as to be easier to apply to large groups of images?

Can we have the choice with the Neutralisation tool to correct from off of the top of the layers instead of /as well as off of the the base layer? IOW: Neutralise a Pre-output RGB instead of Input RGB - very useful when neutralising a mixed lighting scene.
A choice of the diameter size of the neutralisation tool's referencing area would be welcome (this is an old request though).

Colour Calibration - it says we can add our own reference data which is great, however is there any chance that the calibration software can be made to read XYZ & Spectral instead of just Lab data?




A Neutralisation Tool with 1 x 1, 3 x 3 and 5 x 5 pixel options.

