Phocus 3.8 lost edits

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Hi All
On Mac OS SONOMA, I've experienced that Phocus 3.8 lost my edits for some of the images of a new folder.

My question is:
Where Phocus stores the edits ?
Is there anything like (Capture One or Lightroom) "catalog" that keeps them?
Preferences? Application Support?

I've looked to the manual, searched in the FAQs. Nothing
I was going to write to the Hasselblad Support but seems that there's no software support contact on the website. >:(

Thank you in advance for your help!

Georg Kovalcik

Where Phocus stores the edits ?
In the fff file.

Is there anything like (Capture One or Lightroom) "catalog" that keeps them?
Fortunately not.

Preferences? Application Support?


thnx @Georg Kovalcik
I thought It was in the fff file. best Option.
... So I'm guessing why the edits have been missed  ???

Mads Bjerke

Have you set Phocus to Auto Save your edits?
In the settings you can choose to have edits auto saved or manually saved.
If you choose manually saved you must click the save button before moving another image or all changes are lost.