H5D Battery Grip (3043356)???

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OK, I think I already know the answer to this but I am going to ask anyways (got to remember the answer is always NO unless you ask). I've just purchased a used H5D-50c Multi Shot and am looking for another battery grip. Anyone have any idea how to get a hold of an H5D Battery Grip (3043356). I could find only one on eBay and grabbed it. I've even considered looking for a cheap(er) H5D body with grip to buy, just to get the battery (and have a backup body just in case).

I'm pretty sure you can't use any of the previous H body grips with this camera. If this is not the case, please let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated.



That's pretty interesting.....

Thanks for the info!


Quote from: Conner999 on June 17, 2023, 11:18:04 PM
This might interest you.


now, this one really frightened me, for two reasons:

-That Hasselblad apparently already stopped supplying new batteries for the H series, immediately after its demise.
-That the X series batteries look fused (welded), not glued, and will probably not be accessible for cell replacement without destroying them.

So, if Hasselblad decides to come up with different types of batteries in new cameras, or goes tits up, we are pretty much stuck. Boy.