Revisiting CFexpress card discussion

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I just finished filling up a 512gb OWC Atlas Pro CFexpress card, and have put in a fresh 128gb SanDisk Extreme Pro card in the camera.  This is the one Hasselblad recommends; the OWC is not on the list. Honestly, I can't tell the difference with the X2d-100c. Nothing scientific here, just my impression. Perhaps could tell the difference with the Z9, but OWC card seems to keep same least with my this camera.   Has anyone else found the "recommended" cards faster?  They sure are a lot more expensive. 


I only have two an Angelbird 512GB and an Agfa Pro 1TB - so no idea of the recommended ones. The two I have never skip a beat and work well enough for me.


The recommended cards will be the ones directly tested by Hasselblad, not necessarily the best cards you can use.



Fingers crossed.  I ordered a 1TB OWC Atlas Pro card directly from the OWC site today after I found OWC has an $85 discount in cart offer today.