How do the HC lenses compare to XCD lenses

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 I know the HC lenses are older Technology,
Dennis mansour


I own the HCD 28 and the XCD21
On the X1D At the center the XCD21 is a bit sharper and at the edges and corners much sharper than the HCD 28.
global contrast is about the same and color rendering too.
Sharpen your eyes not your files


I don't have time for test cards or take much notice of MTF charts but I've owned and used most of the Hasselblad lenses. I'd say the HC/HCD are all excellent lenses while the XCD are exceptional.

The H lenses produce a slightly more film-like image with more contrast but less micro-contrast. They can also be adapted to X-mount, GFX and Leica S mounts (with or without the HTS) so a bit more versatile.


When I originally started putting the X system through its paces, I held onto my H glass to see how it compared but soon transitioned over (eg HCD28 > XCD30) mostly due to how obviously (i.e not needing to pixel peep, let alone view at 50% view) the XCD lenses could
a) maintain a higher resolve over the whole image*
b) achieve this at far wider apertures (i.e. F4-5.6 vs F10-11)*

*: The only HC units that I held onto were the HC120II & the HC50II - these (especially the former) hold themselves well and are nearly on par with the XCD in terms of resolve - however in terms of focusing control relative to the XCD's they are quite agricultural and so it is very tricky to extract their full potential.


I really have no focus problem with my HCD28 orange dot with AF on the X1D. It nails focus as good and quickly as my XCD's. only problem is that the HCD distance scale Value has a serious offset when AF works perfectly, infinity is reached before infinity on the lens perhaps due to the H to X adapter flange distance ?

I have the same issue with a Novoflex adapter Nikon F to X, but Nofloflex claims in the notice that it's a feature to be sure that the adapted lens reaches infinity.(Nikkor F fisheye zoom is able to give a perfect 33mm diameter 180° round fisheye image)

I have a big issue with a Mamiya to X Fotodiox Pro adapter that is not able to reach infinity, a second adapter  from Kipon works fine (I love the special bokeh from the Sekor C reflex 500mm, in MF bokeh ring are less visible than in FF, more like brush strokes in paintings)
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