HRGB Profile location

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wes walker

searching for profile location on Mac OS 10.14.6 ...wanting to compare profile with Color Think


Have a look in user/library/colorsync

On later OS's press and hold option then head up to the "go" menu to get to the user library.
Nick-T typing at you from Flexframe's secret location under a Volcano


If you are often recalling it in ColorThink then it's worth considering copying it into the Program's [default list] Profile folder in order to be always visible /easily accessible.


wes walker

.....HRGB profile must be home but hiding ....searched in user/library/colorsync before posting..thought it may have obscure location similar to Epson's in library/printers....many raw files converted to HRGB show up upon copy of profile....any more suggestions ??.....Hasselblad /Phocus must have their profiles installed somewhere ?? Does Hasselblad have another name/designation for HRGB profile ?

wes walker to locate HRGB profile via ColorThink..unsure as to why it does not show up in library/colorsync....ColorThink says profile is input- scanner/camera profile.....not designated as working space
profile.....perhaps the result of many, many Phocus well as Mac OS upgrades as well....thank you for all who took the time to respond ....stay cool...ww