CF Cards

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I need to buy some CF cards for our H3DllMS-39, I remember something about 16GB cards not behaving well in the past. Has this been figured out? Sandisk has a rebate program on at the moment. I was thinking that I might get several 16GB Extreme IV UDMA cards. Am I thinking in the right direction? Would I have any issues using the same cards with a Nikon D3? I shoot mostly tethered but today shot on location at Malibu beach, I didn't want to lug a laptop around with me so I shot to the Hasselblad supplied card. All went well except that I quickly ran out of space on the card.

Scott Smith

Phil G

Hi Scott

I know SanDisk Extreme IV 8GB work ok giving 129 shots/card  but the pricing (£200 each in UK) and the thought of loosing 16GB worth of images has put me off buying them yet.

Only problems I have found is if you transfer a fast card down a USB reader but no problems using SanDisk FW800

Photography is not just an end in its self but a powerful vehicle for Learning


I have been using a Sandisk 32 GB card with no problems.

Alex Maxim

I have Lexar pro 300x 16GB. Very satisfied. No problems in the camera and very good speeds with a UDMA reader.

Mats E

I am using Sandisk Extreme IV 8 and 16 GB both for H3DII-50 (before H3D-22) and Nikon D3 and they are working just great. The prices in UK seems completely insane as generally they are much cheaper. At least in Sweden and here in Asia (Singapore and Manila) where I mostly hang around.

mauro risch

I'm using the extreme IV 8GB UDMA.
H3d-39 II.
Fast reading and writing.
Bought in US with the $60 rebate for each card up to 3 units.
I'll probably buy 3 more before the end of september.
    0430 383 588


Thanks to all for your info. I think that I'm going to buy three 16GB cards and with the rebate it's like getting the third one free.

I guess that I need a more modern card reader too.........

It never ends does it?


Never ends...

Scott you want the Sandisk FW800 reader.

Nick-T typing at you from Flexframe's secret location under a Volcano