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I noticed all sorts of upgrading paths are back in place. I am currently without dealer so I figured I would ask here if someone knows. It seems this year might turn out much better than I expected. Now I am not saying I will upgrade but I am certainly thinking about it, having already spend a bunch on education, light and glass I might want to leave the path of the CF back and go the H4D50 route. Is anyone familiar with upgrade options for the CF39?

If I want to upgrade I have to do it this year or next. In the Netherlands we can depreciate items bought (new) in 2009/2010 over a 2 year period instead of 5! It is amazing how few companies seem to realize this and how few are trying to sell more stuff with that as a selling argument.

Dealers on this forum. I seem to be without a dealer, mine went bankrupt. I am open for suggestions.

Mats E

From my understanding, there are not any upgrading offers anymore. Your dealer (not the bankrupt one, he, he) might accept a trade in, but in my case not considering the old body and back got stolen, you might be better off trying to sell it personally. Even if it is a narrow market there people looking for back-up units or newcomers entering midformart.

Personally, I have no idea about dealers in Holland, but Yfo in Sweden is very well established as the dealer in Copenhagen right opposite Hasselblads DK office. Forgot the name of that dealer.

I love my H3D50II although today it is H4D that counts although, I don't see the big hype based on fairly minor changes.



Thx Mats! I just found out there is an upgrade program but it is only shown on the US website (www.hasselbladusa.com). I would consider either the H4D50ms (preferably) or the H4D60.

I have doubts about the dealer in the Netherlands. Everytime I try buying from them it ends in a deafening silence from their side, I therefore feel they are more of a burden than a help. This is the main reason I went for DigiCare last year. Quite frankly I wish Hasselblad would open a webstore in Denmark, I would most certainly only deal from there. I hate having to drive to some place just to force people to sell me something I prefer arranging it from the comfort of my home during the times that is most convenient to me.


hi Dustbak,

you are probably amongst the most experienced people ard but i thot i let you know. My local dealer offered me a upgrade because there was someone who ordered the H4D and was gg to give up the H3DII-39 (I am using the H3D-39).

Its costs about SGD 60.000 for a H4D and there was a promotion for a short time. Hope this helps.