45 degree viewfinder for H3D

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just hoping this might be here or coming, with or without metering and af....also, any suggestions on aids to higher magnification for viewfinders for critical manual focus...thanks   John

Monty Rakusen

Certainly a 45deg finder would be great and if you're going to get it at all then its bound to be without metering. However, I noticed on the Hass list a modification to the viewer, the sort of thing you ca put on a cannon and look down into the viewer but I can't find it on the site anymore.
But why are you manual focussing except of course for the tilt and shift this shouldn't be necessary and is dam near impossible without live view. Have you programed your user button to do the focus for you?



hello....have the waist level viewfinfer....been trying some focus stacking using CS4....considering investment in Helicon Focus....prefer manual focus in landscapes to put the focus at the exact spot, and then using stop down up to f16 depending on the lens for depth of field....have not tried the HTS1.5, but it appears that you can not tilt and shift in the same movement, plus crop and light loss.....do not do studio where it might be more appropriate...want 45 degree for hand held less obvious shooting, but will continue to gain experience with the waist level....let me know if you find the modification, otherwise I will attempt to adapt a  Zeiss magnifier...thanks    John


thanks Derek...will try to add magnification to the waist level finder first....any experience or interest in focus stacking?  John


Does anyone know if this device provides a magnified view that would facilitate focusing?

Thanks, Howard