Has the XCD Lens Roadmap slipped?

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Quote from: galoubet on August 21, 2018, 07:20:23 AM
But then came the XCD 120 which brought a new dimension to my photography but at the cost of considerable extra weight. And now I've gone overboard and a bought a 2kg 350mm FE lens (fantastic!) to use with the electronic shutter. So my initial quest for a lightweight camera seems to have gone out of the window. Stupid or what?

This sounds like you'd be better off with Fuji GFX that has a lot of lenses and did not pretend to be the smallest midformat camera ever...  Sure it's ugly but with a giant lens who cares:)


Quote from: galoubet on August 23, 2018, 05:21:04 PM
Quote from: braver on August 23, 2018, 11:15:26 AM
This sounds like you'd be better off with Fuji GFX...

A bit late now methinks! Besides I've been a Hasselblad man for the past 40 years. But not to worry I'm having great fun with my X1D even though it's a bit heavier than anticipated   8)

Yes I've read your thread after writing this and realized it's a non-starter.:)