This forum is really helpful

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Hi Hasselbladdigitalforum,

This is one helpful forum with many great members. I have got great answers in a very quick way and this is even better than gg direct. Its fantastic!

I feel bad only 'taking' and not 'giving back'. I will try to contribute once i have acquired the neccessary experience.

Keep up the great work!


I have registered and am trying to do a search for information about the HTS 1.5, which I just purchased.  the forum won't let me do any searches and access any forums.  Why?  I have 2 H2 bodies, 2 viewfinders, HC lenses 35, 50, 80, 100, 50-110, and 210.....I don't have an H Back, I use  Phase back.  Surely I qualify for the forums. Many many thanks! Eleanor


Hi Eleanor

Do note that the forum is Hasselblad DIGITAl and as such is restricted to Hasselblad owners. The site has grown out of an 8 year old Yahoo group which was originally for Imacon owners. The membership have repeatedly expressed that the forum be resticted to Hasselblad users as it keeps discussions very much on topic and we don't suffer from Troll like they do on Luminous Landscape (and I'm not for a moment suggesting you are a Troll!)
Please do ask any questions you have here and I and others will do our best to answer.

Nick-T typing at you from Flexframe's secret location under a Volcano