removing the back from the H2D39

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mauro risch

It seems that the back latch on the top is stuck and I can't remove the back for cleaning. Has anyone experienced it before? This is probably the 3rd time in one year that I'll open it. Last time it wasn't hard at all. Thnx for any suggestions.
Mauro (
    0430 383 588

Chris Crumley


Is the H3D39 like an H2 latching arrangement? The lever/button on the side of the body and the silver button latch on the top of the back itself (under the prism finder)?

My H2 takes three different pressures all at once. Sometimes it works easily quickly and other times I feel I'll never get it off.

On H2 side, rotate lever backwards and push lever/button at the same time.... AND, at same time, press the back towards the body and with a thumb, pull back on the silver button latch.


In my case, I think the push button is the one that has to be pushed just right.
Chris Crumley  Virginia Beach, VA USA
H2/39CFH Phocus v2.0.1 Mac Intels OSX 10.6.2 Lightroom 2.6

mauro risch

Chris and Steve,
Thanks. It worked. A lot more pressure on the side lever and it released the back. IR filter on the Back seems very clean now, with the E-wipes.
Thanks for the help.
Muito Obrigado!
    0430 383 588