Focus distance & EXIF data

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I understand that DAC lens corrections take into account focus distance. This being the case, would it be possible to include this measurement in the EXIF data?

Just curious.



I've also wondered about this.
Files from my Canon DSLR's contain the focus distance (which i understand the auto-lens correction in Photoshop CS5 uses in it's calculations).

I don't know why focus distance isn't made visible in Phocus or maintained in EXIF data when exporting Hasselblad shots.


Steve C

As a Landscape photographer, I agree, this would be very useful, especially if the near- and far-focus points could be calculated and displayed knowing the aperture and lens focal length.  The markings for these on the lenses are either missing or hard to read.  I have been asking for this for years.  While we are making wishes about the EXIF data, please show the GPS altitude and precise time (for those of us who forget to reset the clock when changing time zones) along with the coordinates.  Also, it would be great to be able to keyword search all the EXIF data in Phocus without having to manually enter it with each photo.

Another vote for distance data, the DOF calculations would be invaluable for me too. Last time I checked, Phocus was still not passing EXIF if you export as PSD so I wouldn't hold my breath.



It appears I'm not alone here. Have placed a request in the "Wish List".

Best to all



Co-incidentally I spoke with David Grover about something like this a little while ago. Here is what I suggested...

QuoteHi David,

I think I'm right in saying that the camera knows the distance that the lens is focused at – is this correct? If it is how accurate is it?

For still life photography it would be useful to be able to see this (assuming it's accurate) and even better if we could select the exact focus distance in Phocus and have the lens set itself to it. Also it would be great to show the near and far focus points based on the aperture. In fact, if you're doing that, then the ability to set the near and far focus distances  and have Phocus set the aperture and focus point would be great.

Similarly, landscape shooters would love to be able to set the lens to the hyperfocal distance. Oh, and the ability to pick the CoC would be good.

David did say that there are some patent issues with doing this in the camera, and some details about the way the camera communicates focus distance to Phocus that make it not straightforward apparently, but David did say that there was some interest in the idea. Obviously if there are more people asking then that will help increase the priority. Personally I think it would be a great feature to add.

robert poll photography | | +44(0) 7768 466663


I too think this could be very handy. Especially for when you post to sites like Flick and such which hopefully read the rest of the exif data (Haven't tested yet, just got camera)